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The CONFENIS Series: International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems is a yearly organized event of the IFIP Technical Committee, a Special Interest Group on Enterprise Information Systems.

The conference focuses on both the technical and application aspects of enterprise information systems. It is organized as a joint event of seversl SIGs, such as IFIP TC 8. TC 12, IEEE SMC Society Technical Committee on EIS, and IEEE SMC Society Technical Committee on Enterprise Architecture and Engineering. Previous Confenis conferences were held in America, Asia, Europe and Oceania annually since the first Confenis held in Vienna, Austria (Europe), 2006.

The COVID-19 pandemic requires to change the conference format in 2020 Instead of regular face-to-face sessions, we will conduct the Confenis 2020 in a virtualized, but still interactive way CONFENIS'2020, 18-19 December 2020. 

Next Conference:  CONFENIS'2021, China, 16-17 October 2021

Registration procedures and fees are currently being reviewed, and registration will open soon. All papers that are accepted, registered, and presented will be submitted to Springer Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing book series (LNBIP) for publication.


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