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ISBIS Conference Series



The Idea of the International Symposium on Business Information Systems (ISBIS) arose in 2005, after that the SEFBIS Comunity has already organized two successful domestic conferences. The first ISBIS conferences between 2005 - 2013 have taken place in GyÅ‘r (Hungary) hosted by the Széchenyi University. It was became obvious already during the first conferences, that there is an urgent need for a community that incorporates all the professionals who are involved in business information systems.  The researchers, application developers, users and teachers from all over the world require the face to face discussions furthermore the presentations at the conferences, the round-table disputes organized by our community are useful for the conference participants and even effective in their future work.


Beside organizing  the ISBIS conferences we play active role in other International events such as Confenis Conference, IDIMT Forum, SM, ICELM events etc. The gratest event of our conference series is the Confenis-ISBIS/OGIK joint conference in 2009. More details about our  programs you can find at the sub-menu points.



NJSZT Titkárság

1054 Budapest, Báthory u. 16

9026 Győr, Hédervári út 49/a



T: 123-456-7890

F: 123-456-7890​


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