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14th Conference

on Business Information Systems

ISBIS / OGIK Conference 2017

10-11 of November, 2017.   Sopron


The SEFBIS (GIKOF) Special Interest Group of the John von Neumann Computer Society organizes its conference on Business Information Systems already 14th time.  This event is followed with great interest both of the professionals  and the users. The conference is a great opportunity for  the  domestic and foreign experts, developers, students and users to represent and discuss their results, to change their minds and get together face to face.  

Conference Date and Venue: 10-11 November  2017, Sopron University


The planned topics that are not limited to:

  • The future generation and the ICT: technological, human, social and cultural aspects

  • technical and business issues of Information security 

  • methodologies and tehcniques for application development process

  • new trends in ICT: industry 4.0 solutions, selfdriving cars, IoT

  • new ICT-technologies supporting business, innovation, competitiveness

  • education: CSc, MSc courses, trainings, needs  of labour market  and satisfaction ba teaching, training; change management in the education, teaching methods and tools, mobility etc.

The authors and speakers are asked to sen an extended abstract in max 4,000 characters. The official language of the conference in both Hungarian and English. Those authors who write the abstract in English have to present it in the same language. The IPC offers different types of presentations:

  • live presentation in 20 minutes

  • poster demonstration

 The IPC's responsibility to let the abstracts review and decide about the acceptance.  More information is found at the conference website:

International Program Committee and Conference Organizers

Chair of the IPC: Maria Raffai  (Széchenyi István University, Győr)

Vice Chair of IPC and  Chair of the Organizers Committee:   László Bacsárdi  (Sopron University)



Mária Raffai

Chair of IPC


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