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ISBIS / OGIK Conference 2018

9-10 of November, 2018.   Sopron

The SEFBIS (GIKOF) Special Interest Group of the John von Neumann Computer Society organizes its conference on Business Information Systems already 15th time.  This event is followed with great interest of both the professionals and the users. The conference is a great opportunity for the domestic and foreign experts, developers, students and users to represent and discuss their results, to change their minds and get together face to face.

The topics that are not limited to:

  • New technologies supporting business innovation and competitiveness

  • Business process modeling; model driven architectures

  • System engineering concepts, methods and tools, modeling languages

  • Knowledge based systems, fields and efficiency of applications

  • Enterprise wide integration → integration of data, database and applications

  • Big Data management: storing and processing, data mining; analysis

  • Using open source solutions in the business, effectiveness of the applications

  • Business value of the ICT, studying efficiency: analysis’ methods and results

  • Industrial solutions: challenges of Indutry 4.0 and IoT – software and architectures

  • Multidisciplinarity: ICT applications medicine, self-driving cars, utilization of visualization etc.

  • Education: CSc, MSc courses on business information systems, trainings, labour market needs vs teaching curriculums, changing competences, change management in education, teaching methods and tools, mobility etc.

International Program Committee and Conference Organizers

Chair of the IPC: Maria Raffai  (Széchenyi István University, Győr)

Vice Chairs: Péter Dobay (Pécs University of Sciences) and László Bacsárdi (Sopron University)

Chair of the Organizers Committee: László Bacsárdi

Further details: (in Hungarian); (in English)



Mária Raffai

Chair of IPC

15th Conference

on Business Information Systems


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