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ISBIS / OGIK Conference 2019

International Conference on Business Information Systems

"The New IT-Challenges of the Economy and the Society"

8-9 of November, 2019.  Budapest, Milton Friedman University

The SEFBIS (GIKOF) Special Interest Group of the John von Neumann Computer Society organizes its conference on Business Information Systems already 16th time.  This event is followed with great interest of both the professionals and the users. from aoound the world The conference is a great opportunity for the domestic and foreign experts, developers, students and users to represent and discuss their results, to change their minds and get together face to face. Emphasizing  the important role of  women in IT-sector the ISBIS'2019 Conference  gives opportunity to the NJSZT NOKIT community to organize a whole session .

The planned topics that are not limited to:

  • The business value of ICT, methods of controlling efficiency and of analysis

  • New technologies supporting business innovation and competitiveness

  • Business process modeling; model driven architectures, open source solutions

  • System engineering concepts, methods and tools, modeling languages

  • Knowledge baased systems in business, efficiency; business intelligence

  • The AI solutions  in bbusiness and the impact on the society

  • The increasing importance of IT security,  effective solutions

  • Big Data management: storing and processing, data mining; analysis

  • Women in IT sector: increasing role, appreciation at workplaces

  • Industrial solutions: challenges of Indutry 4.0 and IoT – software and architectures

  • Enterprise wide integration → integration of data, database and applications

  • Multidisciplinarity: ICT applications medicine, self-driving cars, utilization of visualization etc.

  • Education: CSc, MSc courses on business information systems, trainings, labour market needs vs teaching curriculums, changing competences, change management in education, teaching methods and tools, mobility etc.


The official language of the conference are both Hungarian and English. The authors have to present their results in the language of the abstract.  The authors and speakers are asked to send an extended abstract in max 4,000 characters. The IPC offers different types of presentations:

  • live presentation in 15-20 minutes and

  • poster demonstration

The abstract  should be sent through Easychair CMS in English or in Hungarian; for on-line registration.

Further information: on the conference Web Page. It is the IPC's responsibility to let the abstracts review and decide about the acceptance.


International Program Committee and Conference Organizers

Chair of the IPC: Maria Raffai  (Széchenyi István University, Győr)

Vice Chairs: Péter Dobay (Pécs University of Sciences) and László Bacsárdi (Sopron University)

Chair of the Organizers Committee: László Bacsárdi


Important Dates:

  • 15. September 2019: sending abstracts

  • 1. October 2019.:        papers’ acceptance

  • 10. October 2019:       registration on reduced fee

  • 8-9. October 2019.:     conference event in Sopron


Further details:  

in Hungarian:

in English:


Contact:  Dr. Honfi, Vid Sebestyén <>; Dr. Raffai, Mária <>


Mária Raffai

Chair of IPC

Szatmari-Peter rektor.jpg


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