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The Mission Statement

The Scientific and Educational Forum for Business Information Systems (BIS)

is a special professional community of the John von Neumann Computer Society.

It was established in the Year of 2001 in order

  • to give a controlled public forum to the members involved in thebusiness information research and

  • to ensure publication possibility to both the experienced and the young specialists.


By the strategy defined in the Mission Statement the SEFBIS aims to publish and discuss the newest results of the information science. Our program targets  the following as main topics:

  • organizing research symposiums in every year with special section for Ph.D. students,

  • preparing and publishing the SEFBIS Journal two times a year with the up-to-date achievements of the following fields:

  • new IS/IT technologies applied in Business,

  • the problems and solutions in higher education,

  • history of information science in Hungary,

  • giving information about the newly published professional books such as 

  • about the actual programs, meetings, symposiums, conferences.


The volumes of the GIKOF and SEFBIS Journals are distributed among libraries, research centers, universities and also businesses in order to inform the in BIS involved parties about the scientific and technological results and events. This publication is an excellent possibility

  • for the professors, assistants and researchers to let known their results,

  • for the experienced information engineers to get the higher education participants closer to the business world and also

  • for the students to give them chance for introducing their professional assets.

Budapest, 2001.


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1054 Budapest, Báthory u. 16

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